To be happy, make others happy. A Non-sectarian, non-profit organization which believes in the unity of all religion and reveres the Great Ones of all Faiths.

The Sadhu Vaswani Mission seeks to bear witness to the truth that there is but one life flowing in all men, birds, animals, things animate and inanimate. It believes that life must have a spiritual orientation and promotes the practice of kirtans, prayers, meditation and above all, love for others. The others are not apart from us, we are all part of One Whole.
The Mission serves all sections of the society irrespective of religion, caste, creed or community. Its service activities today encompass several segments that impact the lives of the people- social, educational, healthcare and spiritual.

The Mission was founded by Sadhu T.L. Vaswani as the Sakhi Satsang and later as the Brotherhood Association to foster spiritual upliftment, cultivate the soul and undertake humanitarian activities irrespective of caste, creed and colour. After Sadhu Vaswani dropped his mortal frame in 1966, Dada J.P. Vaswani reinstituted the organisation as Sadhu Vaswani Mission and guided the Mission and countless spiritual aspirants as a Spiritual Master until July 12, 2018 when he moved into the unseen.
International Meatless Day
Stop All Killing (SAK), an initiative pioneered by Dada J.P. Vaswani was first initiated in 1986, through the declaration of the 25th of November, Sadhu T.L. Vaswani’s birthday, as the Meatless Day. The SAK Campaign promotes compassion, non-violence and reverence for all life. On this day, pledgers abstain from all foods of violence and intoxicants.
The global reach of the movement led to the declaration of 25th November as International Meatless Day.

The Moment of Calm
The Moment of Calm is a global peace initiative that aims at calming anxious and troubled hearts through the practice of forgiveness. The concept is simple- anyone, anywhere, whatever they might be doing; pause for 2 minutes at 2 pm on the 2nd of August, observe silence, forgive, clear the heart of ill-feelings, release the pain, and breathe out a positive aspiration of peace and harmony.
The chosen time and date marks the birthday and birth-time of the Spiritual Luminary, Rev. Dada J.P. Vaswani.
Selfless service is at the core of the Mission’s activities. Sadhu Vaswani often said, “I have but one tongue. If I had a million tongues, I would repeat this one word Give, Give, Give!” In bearing witness to this great ideal of the founder, innumerable social service programs are tirelessly carried out by the Mission centres world over.

The pivot of the Mission's activities is the daily satsang; an ever-flowing fountain of soulful music, devotion, spiritual solace and ceaseless inspiration to all seekers of God. Special satasangs are organized on Hero Days, to commemorate the Great Souls. Sadhana (meditation) Camps are held across the world to rekindle the spiritual flame within hearts of aspirants.
The Sadhu Vaswani Mission is headquartered in Pune, Maharashtra with centres all over the world.