15th December 2022, Suhinya Sain Satguru Swami Baba Narayan Bhajan Sahibji from Shikarpur, Pakistan, on his India Yatra, visited the Sadhu Vaswani Mission’s Pune headquarters.

This was his first visit to the Pune Mission, and he made his first halt at the Sacred Samadhi, where he offered homage to the Great Masters and placed a sacred chaddar. He then joined the ongoing evening satsang and heard the recorded talk of Beloved Dada.

Following the talk, Didi Krishna Kumari felicitated him with a shawl and coconut, and he offered her a traditional blanket and felicitated her. Didi Krishna requested him to speak a few words. He expressed his joy of being at the Mission and the feeling of divinity he experienced. He also shared how his guru had the opportunity to meet Beloved Dada and how he, too, longed to be in his physical presence. He spoke of how saints are the ones who take us close to God; they are the channel to attain God. He also elaborated on how doing their seva and simran and attending satsangs helps one draw close to God and eventually fulfil the purpose of the human birth. Concluding his talk, he extended an invitation to Didi and all the devotees present to visit their Shikarpur Center.