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Didi Krishna Kumari’s visit to St. Maarten April 23 & 24, 2023

Writer: Sadhu Vaswani MissionSadhu Vaswani Mission

ST. MAARTEN – APRIL 23-24, 2023

April 23: Ruh Rihan

Although she was only in St. Thomas for a couple of days, Didi filled the hearts of the people with a love that would abide in their hearts, for years to come.

On April 23, Didi flew to her next destination: the friendly island of St. Maarten. She was scheduled to give a talk that very evening. With no time to rest, Didi made her way to the Belair Community Center. The hall resonated with the dulcet voices of the children singing “Swagatam Krishna Didi”.

A soulful performance of classical dance was put on by a group of young girls, after which Beloved Dada’s upadesh was played.

Who are you, really? Dada put this question to the audience. You are not the body, Dada reminded us. You are the atma, the atma that is aschraj – a wonder. Once you realize this, you will become fearless.

Dada’s urge to spend time in self-reflection left the audience with a new purpose.

Who was Dada? Didi then proceeded to answer her question: Dada was a farmer – he sowed seeds of truth in our heart; Dada was an awakener – he came to awaken us from the slumber of the senses; Dada was a liberator – he came to set us free, free from the shackles of desire, free from our unhealthy habits.

Each one of us is a sum total of our habits, therefore we must be careful of our habits. It is natural for us to make mistakes, but instead of dwelling on them, it is necessary to seek forgiveness – not just passively, but we must make a u-turn by altering our habits.

Most of us are always oscillating between happiness and sadness, because we have identified ourselves with the body, failing to recognize what we truly are.

April 24: Meeting with the Teenagers of St. Maarten

An intimate gathering with the youth of the island was held, and each one got the opportunity to present Didi with a question or a dilemma.

The topic of mental illness – which is very prevalent amongst today’s younger generation – was broached. We become anxious, Didi said, because we focus more on the outcome. We fear that we will not achieve success. Rather than the result, let our focus be fixed on the effort. Let us not turn the journey, the ride of life, into a race.

After all questions were answered, Didi raised a question: what do children today value the most?

Today, everyone wants freedom. Freedom, however, is not doing what makes you happy. Rather, freedom is making the right choice, for it is your choices that create your destiny.

April 24: English Talk on ‘Empower Yourself

Today, many people feel discouraged, disheartened, and disempowered. They believe that life is a punishment. It is no surprise then, that a large crowd had gathered to listen to Didi’s speak on the topic, ‘Empower Yourself’.

Didi Krishna was warmly welcomed by Mr. Sunny Lalwani of the Indian Merchants Association, after which Mercedes De Windt of the Animal Defenders shared a few words. Animals too have feelings and the right to live, she said, echoing Dada’s beliefs.

The Honorable Prime Minister, Silveria Jacobs, graced the evening with her presence. Everyone, she said, must have the right to opportunities. We must come together to break barriers, so that each one can thrive, each one can be empowered.

Didi commended the Prime Minister for her dedication, devotion, and focus. Life, Didi said, is uncertain. The only thing we really have control over is ourselves. Yet, how many of us are in charge of our life? How many of us know what we want out of life? To be truly empowered is to wake up with courage, confidence, and faith, to feel a new surge of energy every morning.

Didi then passed on four tips on how to empower oneself.

1. Destiny is in our own hands: through our thoughts, we create our future.

2. Play the game by its rules: the rule of life is Sathyam vada, Dharmam chara” – Always follow the path of truth and righteousness.

3. Stay connected to the Source.

4. Live in the moment.

A question-answer session by Beloved Dada followed. There is nothing that is impossible, for with practice, you will achieve your goals, Dada said.



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